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Showing posts from November, 2011

Popup Windows: open() Parameters

Until now we've focused on the process of opening and closing the popup window. We'll now shift to the properties of the popup itself. All of the popup's properties are set in the   open()   command. We've used   open()   in every script in this tutorial. Specifically, the properties of the popup are set in the third argument for  open()  which is a list of properties for the popup. Properties are set somewhat similar to the way HTML attributes are set: the name of the property followed by an equal sign followed by the value. Properties are separated by commas. Because of a widespread bug in MSIE,  do not put any spaces in the list of properties.  The entire list of properties goes inside quotes. So, for example, the following line of code sets  width to  400 ,  height  to  200 , and turns  scrollbars  on. We'll begin with the  width & height  properties, which are always required except in...

Jackson 框架,轻易转换JSON

作者:hoojo 出处:  blog: Jackson 框架,轻易转换JSON Jackson可以轻松的将Java对象转换成json对象和xml文档,同样也可以将json、xml转换成Java对象。 前面有介绍过json-lib这个框架,在线博文: 相比json-lib框架,Jackson所依赖的jar包较少,简单易用并且性能也要相对高些。而且Jackson社区相对比较活跃,更新速度也比较快。 一、准备工作 1、 下载依赖库jar包 Jackson的jar all下载地址: 然后在工程中导入这个jar包即可开始工作 官方示例: 因为下面的程序是用junit测试用例运行的,所以还得添加junit的jar包。版本是junit-4.2.8 如果你需要转换xml,那么还需要stax2-api.jar 2、 测试类基本代码如下 package com.hoo.test; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonEncoding; import org.codeha...